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Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI, is a painless, diagnostic test that allows radiologists to see inside some areas of the body, which cannot be seen using conventional x-rays. This imaging method produces a series of cross-sectional pictures. Physicians can detect many conditions in earlier stages improving prognosis.

Common areas of the body, which may undergo a MRI scan include the head, chest, abdomen, vital organs, blood vessels, joints, spine, or extremities such as hands, wrists, ankles, and feet.

MRI scanners do not use x-rays. Instead, they use a very strong magnet and radio frequency. It is important to tell the technologist if there is a possibility you could be pregnant. There is no evidence that MRI is unsafe for a developing fetus; however, we are still careful in the use of MRI on pregnant patients. Our staff is trained in MRI safety. Our equipment is maintained according to the American College of Radiology Guidelines.

Certain metallic implants are not safe for MRI. Inform the staff of any surgical implants. Patients with pacemakers or defibrillators cannot have a MRI under any circumstances.

We welcome pediatric patients at our imaging centers. Children requiring conscious sedation, however, are limited to our Paterson location.

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