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Program Overview

The General Surgery Residency Program # 4403300191 became ACGME accredited July 1, 2017 and received continued accreditation in 2019. Our program started as AOA accredited program in 2009.

  • St Joseph’s University Medical Center is self-sponsored with the ACGME and an academic affiliate of Rowan University.
  • We participate in the NRMP match.
  • Joseph’s University Medical Center is a New Jersey state designated and American College of Surgeons Verified Level 2 Trauma Center, equipped to handle critically injured patients around the clock. The Division of Trauma & Surgical Critical Care is staffed 24 hours-a-day, 7 days a week by specialized clinicians.
  • Over 1000 trauma patients are seen annually in our ED
  • High volume of diverse socio-economic, cultural patient population with over 160, 000 emergency room visits last year
  • Modern Simulation Lab provides a large breath of clinical experience
  • At our two campuses – SJUMC (Paterson) and St. Joseph’s (Wayne) – residents are exposed to the finest academic and clinical training available
  • Transplant rotation takes place at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
  • Modern Simulation Lab provides a large breath of clinical experience
  • Dedicated FLS simulation lab for Surgery residents
  • Expansive surgical/trauma research database is an excellent source for scholarly activity
  • ATLS and ASSET /ACLS/ BLS/ classes are taught on site
  • FES /FLS reimbursement

The program will provide residents the opportunity to learn the scientific and clinical principles of surgery while providing care to a diverse and underserved population in a community hospital setting. The program will provide residents the opportunity to learn the basic sciences as applied to clinical surgery.

We provide an experience in preoperative, operative and postoperative care for patients in all areas that constitute the principles of general surgery (head and neck, breast, skin/soft tissue, alimentary, abdominal, vascular, endocrine, trauma and surgical critical care, and minimally invasive surgery). Experience in additional areas (e.g cardiothoracic, plastics, pediatrics, anesthesia, orthopedics, urology, neurosurgery, endoscopy, and robotics) will also be offered.

The program is five years in duration.  The central three years are dedicated to experience the components of general and subspecialty surgery. The chief year will be committed to the main components of general surgery. The program will teach critical-thinking skills, evaluation of data, technical skills and the care of patients who do not require surgery.

Residents will have the opportunity to maintain continuity of care for their patients. The program will provide an adequate number and variety of cases as determined by the ACGME for achieving a strong foundation of operative skills and surgical judgment. Educational conferences will also be afforded to enhance the acquisition of knowledge and technical skills.

Our mission is to graduate the very best academically based, broadly trained, self-sufficient surgeons who can move directly into a fellowship or practice with equal confidence. Our vision is a cadre of highly-skilled, board-certified professionals as our graduates, functioning at the highest levels of performance expected of board certified surgical specialists

The aim of the general surgery residency program is to:

  • Teach residents the clinical and basic sciences related to the practice of surgery
  • Provide experience in all areas of surgical practice; operative, postoperative, inpatient and out patient
  • Provide operative experience in the core general surgery competencies
  • Develop critical thinking skills, data/research interpretation, operative technique and clinical judgement
  • Care for a diverse and underserved patient population and provide continuity of care for patients and clinic experiences