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Educational Curriculum

The Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program provides a well-integrated experience with clinical instruction and a balanced experience in trauma, arthroplasty, pediatrics, spine, oncology, hand, foot and ankle, and sports medicine. Basic science is incorporated into all five years. We are dedicated to providing residents with a quality learning experience with faculty that are highly educated, having trained in hospitals around the country and in highly regarded residency programs.


Orthopaedic conference is held weekly every Tuesday morning from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. At this time, the previous week’s surgical cases are presented, and patient management is discussed. All faculty attendings are present, and these conferences are highly interactive. Regional guest lecturers will commonly speak at this conference. Grand Rounds are typically held monthly and include visiting professors of national renown.


Resident education also consists of designated education time twice a week. This takes place in the Orthopaedic Conference Room on Thursday and Friday mornings before cases. Every Friday, there are attending run lectures for the residents from 7:00 to 10:00 a.m. This is strictly protected time and mandatory for all residents to attend. The Thursday morning lecture series consists of lectures given by either a resident or attending according to the curriculum. Residents collaborate with attendings to present lectures on topics of interest. In addition, an M&M conference is held once a month and residents have the opportunity to join a weekly spine indications conference every Wednesday morning held at the private office.

Each fall, Thursday lectures will be replaced by instructional anatomy dissections with cadavers. These dissections are run by attendings, during which surgical approaches, pertinent clinical anatomy and basic surgical skills are taught. One resident will be responsible for dissecting out the scheduled anatomy for each week’s topic. Cadaver labs with a focus in total joint arthroplasty, spine and sports medicine are also done throughout the year at specialized facilities near the main campus.