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HIV Services

The Comprehensive Care Center for HIV Services (CCC) was established in 1985 in response to the needs of HIV infected and affected individuals and their families. A team of ID Physicians, Advance Practice Nurses, Registered Nurses, and support staff provides primary medical and specialty care to HIV infected children, adolescents, and adults. Services are comprehensive and broad. In addition to care for the infected, St. Joseph’s is a state designated HIV Counseling and Testing Site. Besides medical primary and specialty care enhanced services for the infected are provided by the Department of Psychiatry and Dentistry.

Case Managers assist patients with applications for eligible services including, but not limited to: medication, health care coverage, and housing.

The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services now mandates for all obstetrical patients, HIV testing in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. Pre-test and post-test counseling is now provided by the Department of Obstetrics.