
Current Residents

Benjamin Peckman is from Mebane, North Carolina. He received his Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore School of Pharmacy. His areas of clinical interest include behavioral health and ambulatory care. Upon completion of his PGY-1, he hopes to either pursue a PGY-2 or work in a clinical setting. He has a passion for teaching, and hopes to precept pharmacy students in the future. When not practicing pharmacy, Ben enjoys kayaking, hiking, and reading.

If you find yourself in Jersey City, try looking for Peckman’s Pharmacy, opened by his great-grandfather a hundred years ago!

Dr. Emily Pinto is from Linden, New Jersey. She received her Doctorate of Pharmacy from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Her professional interest includes infectious disease, oncology, or internal medicine. She plans to pursue a PGY-2 pharmacy residency in one of her areas of interest upon completion of her PGY-1. Outside of pharmacy, Emily enjoys traveling, trying new things, and spending time with her family and pets.

Dr. Steven Riley is from Bloomingdale, New Jersey. He completed both his Doctorate of Pharmacy and Master’s Degree in Public Health at Fairleigh Dickinson University.  His decision to complete a PGY-1 pharmacy residency was based upon his passion for healthcare and interest in furthering his education. His professional interest include internal medicine and pharmacy administration. After his PGY-1, he plans to pursue a career in one of his areas of interest. Outside of pharmacy, Steven enjoys hiking and traveling. Thus far, he has been on 15 cruises.

Dr. Debisha Dey is from Edison, New Jersey. She received her Doctorate of Pharmacy degree from the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University. She chose to complete a PGY-1 pharmacy residency to delve deeper into inpatient care and learn more about the pharmacist’s role in a hospital setting. After her residency, she plans to either transition into a clinical pharmacist role or work at a long-term care facility. Her ultimate goal is to be a part of patient care and optimize pharmacotherapy. Outside of pharmacy, Debisha enjoys trying new cuisines and traveling the world. Fun fact about her: She knows 51 numbers of Pi.