Home » Education » Graduate Medical Education » Residency Programs » Pulmonary » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much vacation time do you have?

4 weeks of vacation time are provided in a year. Time off is also permitted to attend national conferences and presentations.

  • Do you provide outside electives?

We allow our fellows to do outside electives if they have an interest in specific areas and they can use their allotted elective blocks to do so.

  • Do you have funds for CME and conferences?

We have an annual amount allocated for each fellow for the purchase of educational materials to assist you in your learning process including courses, books, smart devices, etc. Besides this fund, we also have yearly funds for each fellow to present at conferences and a poster fund to help with the costs associated with printing posters and other materials for presentations

  • Do you have an attending available all the time?

Yes, you have an attending available on campus 24X7 who will be providing direct supervision during calls.

  • Do you have adequate free time and weekends?

Our fellows are on call every 9 days and they work one weekend a month. We strictly ensure that the 80-hour work week averaged over 4 weeks’ limit is adhered to and the duty hours are monitored on regular bases.

  • Do you have research options?

We have dedicated protected research blocks every year. The faculty work with the fellows to publish high quality products of scholarly activity. Our IRB is very supportive and they host an annual research day to promote all the research done by the fellows and residents in the hospital.