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Program Overview

  • The program is made up of 36 residents and 2 chief residents or 1 chief resident with 2 associate chief residents
  • At the beginning of the PGY-1 year, each resident is assigned a faculty advisor and a peer mentor to provide guidance and direction over the course of the 3 years of training.
  • Upon graduating from 3 years of intensive training, residents become board eligible, well-rounded, and competent pediatricians capable caring for newborns, children, and adolescents, as well as treating common and complex children’s conditions without direct supervision.
  • The training includes hands on experience caring for a large volume of children seen for a wide variety of common, uncommon, and complex conditions.
  • Residents participate in daily educational, mostly interactive didactic sessions. The backbone of these sessions is the overarching emphasis on current clinical guidelines, AAP recommendations, clinical reasoning skills, and critical appraisal of evidence base literature.
  • The program also dedicates a half-day each week on resident didactic learning which is protected from clinical responsibilities.
  • The educational goals and objectives have been structured to foster development of the various competencies the ACGME has advocated for life-long learning as physicians.
  • Clinical exposure to all the pediatric subspecialties, intensive care units, general pediatric clinics, dedicated pediatric emergency department, community pediatrics and advocacy experiences, and robust interactive didactic sessions enable pediatric residents to become highly competitive, resulting in professional satisfaction, excellent jobs in general pediatrics, and matching in highly prestigious and competitive clinical and research fellowship programs.
  • Examples of fellowship programs our graduates have been accepted into for post residency training in the past few years have included: Columbia-Presbyterian, Einstein Montefiore Hospital, New York University, Downstate Medical Centre, Mass General Hospital, Harvard University, University of Rochester, UCLA, Loma Linda, Nemours DuPont Medical Center in Wilmington, DE, Baylor College, Stanford University, Jackson Memorial, Miami, University of Chicago, Miami Children’s Hospital, University of Pittsburgh, Cleveland Clinic, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Ohio. 
  • All ACGME mandated clinical experience requirements are fulfilled on site. These include rotations on the pediatric floor, neonatal and pediatric intensive care units, pediatric emergency department, general clinic, regular nursery, neurodevelopment and behavior, adolescent medicine, community pediatrics and advocacy, and all the pediatric subspecialties.
  • Residents are supervised by board certified, talented and enthusiastic faculty who generously offer their expert advice and guidance, foster intellectual stimulation, and serve as excellent professional role models.
  • The Program Director and program leadership faculty all have an open door approach to all residents seeking advice.
  • Residents have abundant opportunities to engage in community health advocacy events organized by the program and the hospital at large
  • The program has strong academic affiliations with 3 medical schools: St. George’s University Medical School; University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine; and Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine. Medical students from these schools complete their pediatric core rotations, sub internships, and electives at this program. Pediatric residents are key contributors as teachers and supervisors of medical students. Residents enhance their teaching skillset by continuously being in the role of resident-as-teacher.
  • Residents are encouraged to develop a personalized Individualized Learning Plan and expand their fund of pediatric medical knowledge by reading current peer-reviewed journals, and texts.
  • The program boasts having created a very stimulating environment in which residents and faculty feel as if they are part of a supportive family.
  • Supervising faculty, fellow residents, nursing staff and parents submit evaluations of resident performance. These documents are available for review by residents and faculty at any time.
  • Faculty give face-to-face formative feedback to residents upon completing their monthly rotations.